Yalda Barzin, with a Ph. D. and a M. Sc. in petroleum engineering from University of Calgary and IFP School (Institut Francais du Petrole) has extensive experience in various reservoir engineering areas and is a subject matter expert in production data analysis and field development of conventional and unconventional reservoirs. Yalda brings a strong analytical mind that creatively solves real petroleum engineering challenges with a practical approach. Teaching has always been one of Yalda’s greatest strengths garnering her numerous accolades including three teaching excellence awards from the University of Calgary. She has taught numerous training courses and workshops in North and South America, Europe, and the middle east.
Currently, Yalda is a senior reservoir engineer with Susa Energy consulting firm, and serves as the principal advisor to the unconventional projects in the US, Canada, and Argentina.
Primer módulo: Modern Production Data Analysis for Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs (de Lunes a Miércoles)
❖ Traditional Production Data Analysis:
• Overview (Traditional vs. Modern Approach)
• Decline Curve Analysis
• Type Well Analysis
• Selected Examples
❖ Modern Production Data Analysis:
• Fundamentals of Rate Transient Analysis (RTA)
• Flow Regimes
• Transient Flow Concepts
• Boundary Dominated Flow Concepts
• Superposition
• Correction for Variable Gas and Rock Properties
• Type Curves (Log- Log plots)
• Modeling (Analytical & Numerical)
• Workflow for Reserves Estimation and Production Forecast for Conventional Reservoirs
• Selected examples
❖ Introduction to Unconventional Reservoirs:
• Overview of Unconventional Reservoirs
• Challenges and Uncertainties
• Where and how traditional methods fail
❖ Unconventional Wells’ Performance Analysis Workflow:
• Linear flow Analysis for Tight Fractured Reservoirs
• SRV Characterization
• Workflow for Unconventional Reserves Estimation and Production Forecast
• Risk management
• Selected Examples
Segundo módulo: Advanced Topics in Development of Unconventional Reservoirs (Jueves y Viernes)
❖ Discussions for Well Performance Analysis:
• A Workflow to Best Estimate Fracture Properties
• Optimization Candidates
• Fracture Interference
• PVT Considerations
• Combined PTA and RTA Analysis
• Selected Examples
❖ Discussions for Field Development:
• Capturing Uncertainty and Monte Carlo Simulation
• Pad Analysis and Infill Drills
• Fracture Spacing
• Well Spacing Optimization
• Selected Examples
❖ Field Development Case Studies
• Lessons Learned from North American Plays
• A Vaca Muerta Development Study – Review of Recent Activities
• A Development Workflow (Recipe for Starting from Scratch)
❖ Field Development Workshop
Acreditación: Lunes 25/11 ó Jueves 28/11 a las 8:30 horas
9:00 a 13:00 hs Curso
11:00 hs Coffee break
13:00 a 14:00 hs Almuerzo
14:00 a 17:00 hs Curso
15:30 hs Coffee break
Fecha: del Lunes 25 al Viernes 29 de Noviembre
Horario: 9 a 17 hs.
Lugar: ITBA POSTGRADO 25 de Mayo 444 – C.A.B.A.
Cupos limitados
La capacitación será dictada en Español
Necesario concurrir con computadora portátil (las notebooks se van a utilizar, con un software específico que proveeremos, para las prácticas durante el curso)
Primer módulo: “Modern Production Data Analysis for Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs” (de Lunes a Miércoles)
1.500 USD para Socios de la SPE – 1.800 USD para No Socios
Segundo módulo: “Advanced Topics in Development of Unconventional Reservoirs” (Jueves y Viernes)
1.000 USD para Socios de la SPE – 1.200 USD para No Socios
Realizando los 2 módulos, Socios de la SPE USD 2.300.- y No Socios USD 2.800.-
Tener en cuenta que asociándose previamente, por 60 USD por la membresía anual (exclusivo para Argentina),
puede acceder al descuento para Socios
Beneficios de la membresía Aquí
Para asociarse Aquí
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