Fecha: lunes 27 de mayo a las 12:30 horas Arg (GMT-3)
Modalidad: Presencial – Evento no arancelado
Lugar: Auditorio IAPG. Maipú 639 – 4° Piso.
Buenos Aires.
Charla Presencial con inscripción previa. CUPOS LIMITADOS
Reservoirs today are increasingly characterized by difficult, complex wells that call for more
cost effective and efficient steering system. Operators want for cutting-edge solutions that
increase drilling efficiency and directional control. One of the downhole tools that revolutionized
directional/horizontal drilling is the positive displacement motor (PDM). The first idea of this
concept dates back to Rene Moineau,a French inventor,who in 1930s designed the “capsulism”
commonly called Moineau power section.
This presentation will address questions related to this tool including, “What is the fundamental
operating principle of this “capsulism” that made it a racehorse in the industry? What factors
contributed to its wider use around the world? How this power section became a cascading
innovation for other downhole tools such as agitator and rotary-steerable system? Although
several challenges are inherently present in this tool, the presentation will particularly
encompass the primary areas where advancements have been made with underpinning
operating challenges.
Although motor technology development has positively responded to the needs of complex
well steering, the talk covers its future advancement areas such as making it smart with
embedded sensors. This physics based and engineering-guided presentation will be informative
and will appeal to a wide audience; the takeaways are the challenge areas in using these mud
motors for the past 92 years and how the industry is responding to the needs for the steering